NHDC Local Plan (G.A.S.P)  Graveley Against SNAP Proposals

NHDC Local Plan (G.A.S.P) was originally formed in January 2010 to oppose the further northern expansion of Stevenage under SNAP proposals pursuant to the previous government’s East of England Regional Spatial Strategy.  The latter envisaged the building of up to 15,800 around Graveley and Great Ashby over a 20 year period between 2001 and 2021.   The SNAP proposals were finally scrapped following a change in government and government policy.

Recent Developments
North Herts Council in 2012 consulted on the number of houses they should build between now and 2031. Their ‘preferred option’ was 7,000 houses, but because it became clear that the proposals might not comply with the government’s new national planning policy, which requires councils to take account of the effect of migration into the area when they reached their original proposed number, this was subsequently increased to 10,700.

Current Proposals
North Herts Council is currently undertaking a Public Consultation on the siting of new homes to be built in North Herts between 2011 and 2031.

These proposals could see 1,700 built “North of Stevenage” between North Road and Graveley Cricket Club, some 10 times bigger than Graveley itself.  If this something you do not want to happen please take part in the consultation.

The Council is consulting on:
◦1.        the acceptability of 10,700 dwellings as an overall target for the District in the period 2011 to 2031;
◦2.        the possible locations for strategic scale developments (7 sites for details see below); and
◦3.        the non-strategic sites (130 smaller sites).

•Information on what is proposed and how you may respond can be found at NHDC’s Website.  www.north-herts.gov.uk/housingoptions

•To get an idea of what is proposed a good starting place is “Housing Options Parts 1 & 2”.

•Developers and landowners have identified seven sites (defined by NHDC as strategic) and NHDC needs to choose between them as it prepares its new Local Plan – the document that will set the district’s planning policies going forward.

•Given the size of development proposed, NHDC has identified seven strategic sites, which can accommodate a minimum of 1,000 dwellings and which are of sufficient size to support necessary infrastructure such as schools etc.  NHDC is looking to build some 6,200 dwellings on these sites.  The latter figure assumes no development of 4,595 Priority 3 non-strategic sites, significantly increasing reliance on strategic sites, which are all green belt land.

•The strategic sites are as follows

South West of Hitchin (up to 8,000 dwellings)
North of Letchworth     (1,000 dwellings)
East of Luton              (up to 1,400 dwellings )
Rush Green                (New Settlement, 1,000 dwellings)
North of Stevenage      (1,700 dwellings) Between North Road and Graveley Cricket Club
North East of Stevenage (up to 5,700 dwellings) Around Great Ashby
West of Stevenage       (3,100 dwellings)     

•In responding to the consultation NHDC want people to provide them with as much information as possible why they support one particular site for development over another, however we also need to make the case against those sites, which we think are not appropriate or too large.  Housing Options Part 2 provides a good overview of each of the seven strategic sites.

•Responses can be made in three ways: 

•online at:         www.north-herts.gov.uk/housingoptions
•by e-mail at     localplans@north-herts.gov.uk
•or by post to   Strategic Planning and Projects Group, North Hertfordshire District Council, PO Box 480, M33 0DE

This consultation represents your last chance to influence the outcome of these development proposals.  Please also write to your North Herts District Councillor and to the North Herts Cabinet to voice your concerns.

Make your views count. Click here to read the Graveley Parish Council's response to Stevenage Borough Council's Local Plan .

Contact: Jack Rigg
email rigg.jack@yahoo.co.uk
Tel 01438 726755