Graveley Environment Group
The aim of Graveley Environment Group is to improve the appearance of Graveley village by planting and to look at other ways to improve our village environment.
The group is open to all villagers, they hold regular meetings, provide updates via the Parish Magazine (Graveley Matters) and report to Graveley Parish Council. All members are volunteers and their activities depend on villagers volunteering their time to help. They are enthusiastic about improving our village and welcome anyone who would like to help.
In addition to the information below, they have made available the following document for download:
• Graveley Countryside Walks
Contacts: Fiona Hutton (Chairman) Helen Lumley (Treasurer) Janet Firth (Secretary).
e-mail to:
In 2008 Graveley Parish Council decided to compile a Village Plan for Graveley. The aim of this initiative was to consult with villagers and to define a future vision for Graveley: what was important to Graveley residents in their village and how did residents want to see Graveley develop in the future? This was completed in 2010. The results showed that 90% of residents supported the idea of improving the appearance of the village through planting of flowers and trees and using planting to screen less attractive areas of the village.
In order to take this idea forward, Graveley Environment Group was established.
Activities organised by Graveley Environment Group and carried out with the help of villagers include:
• Planting outside the village hall.
• Planting in front of the electricity substation on the High Street to provide some screening.
• Planting daffodil bulbs at many sites around the village to provide a colourful and attractive display in the spring.
• Planting trees around the village.
• Laying wild flower turf in front of the Village Hall and planting wild flower plugs on the corner of Church Lane and High Street.
• Successfully applying to the Lottery Fund for funding to provide a village sign (erected in one of the central reservation beds in the High Street) and entrance signs (one at each entrance to the village).
• Producing 2 Information Boards (one by the pond, one in Church Lane) to provide information on Graveley and walks round the village, and a countryside walks leaflet (Graveley Village Countryside Walk). Funding for these was from NHDC under the Parish Paths Partnership.
• Entering the village into the Anglia in Bloom competition in July 2013 (Graveley in Bloom).
Future plans: improve the planting in the central reservation beds and add to the planting in the pond to improve water quality and increase wildlife value.
Click here to read about the 2003 Pond restoration.